Bad Boy


  1. I found it wierd that a 12 years old he is already taking a big liking to girls.

    1. I think he is feeling that he has to grow up, but at the same time he wants to be like other kids.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the book I don't understand why he is only 12 and he is buying magazines about S*X.

    1. I understand... BECAUSE HE IS A BAAAAD BOY!!!

  4. Our conversation was, what I like to call... GROSS!!! From page 68 to 77 the text was full of inappropriate context. It started when we talked about how his uncle died, he died in a painful way which I thought was his fault. He was drinking at a bar (A bad place, his fault) then when he was drunk (His fault again). He was robbed, and literately stomped to death by the robbers! After I realized the excruciating pain, (That was a word I learned) they talked about slaves. Her mom had a decent amount of knowledge for slaves. She told her son that when they beated up black women who were going to have babies. They would dig a hole for the stomach so the baby could not be harmed. They took that a little to... logically. And last but the worst, there was THE WORD! He was talking about books, and then he said that he had found a "interesting" book. He said it was alluded to se*. And by the context is did not mean gender, it meant... THE WORD!!! Dun-dun-dun...

  5. And also he is 12. And he is so much trouble. He has blamed his mom for a serious leg injury. He had has some intestine problems, and he always is in a fight. Instead of paying attention to education, or behavior, manners ect. He is interested in girls. FIX YOUR LIFE PROBLEMS FIRST MAN!!! Not cool, to be into girls. Not cool at all...

  6. I don't understand why he does not care about his uncle dying. His uncle just got out of jail and was ready to finally have a happy life and then he died right away. Shouldn't he be sad?

  7. WHY IS HE INTERESTED IN *** SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *** = S*X

  8. Anyway, the book in general is good.

    1. What is good about t? Be specific,

    2. What is good about the book is that the author puts a funny humor in the book. Even though his life is practically destroyed.

    3. Does that answer your question?

    4. I like that its almost like a diary and its specific about his life.

  9. Reading your reactions and questions, I think Walter Dean Meyer chose his book title well, Bad Boy. Hmmm...

  10. Why is he so interested in poetry.

    1. What do you think influenced his interest in poetry?

    2. Maybe the fact that he just likes writing itself.

    3. I see what your saying but what do you mean by writing its self

    4. Well TTB we do know that he is a good student. And the book also told us that he likes to go onto his roof and wright about things he sees. Maybe it helps relax him.

    5. Thank you Cameron now I understand.

    6. I do understand but what does writing itself mean

    7. I mean because he likes writing he probably just likes poetry too, because there is a lot of writing involved in poetry.

    8. Ok, I get it now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Today one of the things we talked about was our connections to Walters life. one of my connections was my uncles life. His mother gave him up and he has benn mad ever since(Kindof like Walter). So he dropped out of school in the 7th grade and my uncle lives off getting 300 dollars a month from a nearby commite.

  13. While I was reading I had a connection. The connection was that a boy named Bodie plays the trumpet and I also play the trumpet.

  14. Today I had a connection, I figured out that in Bad Boy that there is a character named Byron. I have herd a book Called," Wotsons go to Birmingham." It has a character named Byron too.

  15. Our conversation was held in the teacher's lounge like normal because we are such a large group. The conversation in a way was led by me. We started talking about new words. Like a brusce tree branch, which we thought was a tree, but was actually a branch of the library! But then came... THE WORD PART 2! Dun- dun-dun. Anyways we did not pay much attention to that, but the author has to cool it down on THE WORDS. His childhood may have been ruined, but our's have not! So let us be! But the good thing was that the author totally proved my point... DON"T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND/ BOYFRIEND! Because the author was talking about how only 25% of the kids in high school went into college, and most of them were not academic colleges. The rest 75% had girlfriends/boyfriends (He said that they were involved in "relationships") and they were on the horrible road to failure in life. The end..

    No not really... We started talking about how this poor Walter guy. Has had his original mother die at an early age, then he fell under the guidance of his fathers divorced wife (Who was a white oddly). And know I realize that it is fine to be a "bad boy" when you have been abandoned over and over. Yet he is still two grades ahead of his level, and has a large interest in English. And he has written this book. Most people I know that had a life like him, would have already done suicide. This Walter, is a true mystery...

    1. FYI, Amaan the conversation was not led by you.

    2. Hedgehog don't tell lies.

    3. It sort of was....

    4. And cameron... Change your name

  16. Today we had a great discussion. We were talking about this book called Bad Boy. Walter Dean Myers is the main character. Walter Dean Myers is in a SP class in High School. SP class is meant for advanced students and kids. It was also hard for him because he was two years younger than his class mates. And in the Advanced Class the teachers give more work and harder work. But Walter did want to be like other kids, and to be like his age kids he would have to be a little naughty. When he was younger people made fun of his reading and speech. But in High school he is slowly getting better.

  17. While I was reading I noticed that from pages 88 to 89 a boy named Eddie asked his friend, Eric to come to his party and he could bring a friend. Eric decided to ask Walter to come to the party with him, and when Eric told Eddie that Walter was coming, Eddie said that Walter could not come because he was a Negro. (A Negro is a person who has black skin.)

  18. My group is starting to see a little more segregation in the part of the book that we are at now than in the beginning. Such as, Walter was not allowed to go to Eric's party because he was a negro. A negro is a black skinned person.(African American)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Today Maile read us a story Walter wrote and I was surprised when gang members got involved in their riot with the music.

  22. When They were having a funeral, who was it for.

  23. Our group just read a chapter in a book. The chapter was called, "Reverend Abbott and those bloodshot eyes. In this chapter Walter Dean Myers had talked about two different "Races" of people. One group of the people were called Root Ladies. They were people that would sit on a bench near the church with candles and roots, and if you were to through a snowball at one of them, they would give you the evil eye. The second group of people were called Window Watchers. The Window Watchers would sit next to their window with a pillow and watch what is going on below, and the bad thing about them is that if you do something bad, they would instantly call your parents.
    After he talked about that Walter talked about when he and some other kids did a so called, "Trick" and did something bad. The bad thing they did was when a person named Abbott was being the Reverend for the church and doing a funeral for somebody who died and the kids and Walter would switch the record Abbott would play with a kind of hip hop crazy record. When the record started everybody on the street turned and dropped their jaws. It was really funny that something like that happened. That is what our group read today.

    1. Weren't they throwing the snowballs at the roots.

    2. I am sure that they through that snowballs at the lady's, but I will check anyway.

    3. Now that I have checked what the answer was I learned that I was correct.

    4. How would you have felt if the funeral was for someone close to you?

  24. Today Maile read us a book about Walter Dean Myers called Reverend Abbott and those bloodshot eyes.This short story is about Walters new substitute reverend. The church was near some people that they were scared from. One of the people that they were scared of was the window watchers. The window watchers watch the kids on the street and if they do something bad the will tell your parents before you reach the door of your house. But the most scary people that the kids hate is the.... ROOT LADIES!!!! The root ladies are like witches on the sides of the streets. They sell curses and potions. The kids say that don't walk in their shadows.

  25. Today we talked about what we read through the pages 100 - 130. On page 104 Walters dads dad had a thing called a slop bucket. A slop bucket is a bucket that you do your stuff in then carry the bucket into the outhouse then you pour the stuff into the bathroom. On the page 110 Walter keeps on saying and. He says, and, and, and, and it goes on. I thought that it was funny. On page 126 he talks about S*X again! It is really gross.

  26. I will combine two conversations in one blog. So this will be long...
    Walter Dean Myers, I used to think he was smart. But he is not. He has gotten himself in so much trouble, and you know what he decides is a good idea. To fool his pap that cheese taste good (he doesn't like cheese)... YOU REALLY HAVE THAT MUCH TIME!!! He spent hours thinking of a dish, and no success. I don't know how he thinks cheese is that important, that it should be loved by all people.
    But then after reading a couple more pages I forgave him. Because of his mom that-I-want-to-punch-in-the-face. He was saving his money for a typewriter, (45$) and then his mom spent it on a lottery ticket... that is sad. Really sad...
    After reading a little more, I did not feel bad for him. He was confused about the s*x in a book. OF COURSE YOU ARE CONFUSED YOU ARE IN 9TH GRADE MAN! Why is he interested in that stuff, is that he wants to fit in. Or is it that he has a bad mother. I mean even if I had not my real mother I wouldn't do... whatever he is doing.

    But then I sort of forgave him again, (Yeah I kept switching back and forth) there were these boys beating up a kid, because they wanted to steal his money. But he had no money, one of them was beating him with a chain. But then came Walter Dean Myers. With his fist that he punched a lot of people with for some good reasons and bad ones. And he slammed his fist into the leader, and they scrammed. And he picked up the boy, and saved the day!
    But then, I switched back to disappointment for Walter Dean Myers. He is the king of PERVERTS! He walked in a room, with his mom and her friends (They were drinking beer, women are not supposed to drink beer. At least I hope so...) There were some boys and they were talking about girls and s*x, he said that he does not know what is so great about s*x.He also said that "I have never tried s*x." And then some more s*x s*x and s*x. My face was puckered, and then he said that his friend in basketball was talking about homos**. And... uh g*y men. HOW DID HIS EDITOR ALLOW HIM TO PUBLISH THAT. I think my childhood in ruined...

  27. Oh... also, a message for Walter Dean Myers, "Focus on your life, not all those THE WORDS!"

  28. Walter Dean Myers used to have good grades until he just got into 9th grade and now he is doing horrible in school. He has just started getting mature after he jumped off a roof of a building which is stupid in the first place and then he hitched a ride on a taxi cab and blamed it on his mom. Now he is starting to realize how stupid some of his decisions are and he is finally stopping the bad decisions and he stayed out of 9th grade for the majority of the year and he is failing some of his classes. He said he would try to start doing good again and he was starting to feel so confident about 10th grade and he started skipping school again. What I am trying to tell you is his life is turning into a total disaster. By the was the book is getting really boring.

  29. Today When I read Walter came home from central park and when he came home his mother was talking to some friends and on e of his moms friends had a her daughter visit too. The daughter was named Jean. Walter was interested in her which is super GROSS. He even wanted to have and try the S*X WORD!!!!!!

  30. Walter's life is getting ruined with all the s*x and this is the crazy part, he saved up 45 dollars which was a lot back then and his mom spent all of it on lottery tickets and his dad bought him a cheesy one to replace it. I can't decide if he is miserable or not, because then Walter Dean Myers committed a heroic act, he saw this kid getting beat up because the bullies wanted his money and he didn't have any, so this is the part where WALTER THE GREAT comes in. He gave the head of the gang a big punch in the face and they ran away. Walter does a lot of stupid things and then he does a great thing to make up for is, so Walter Dean Myers is a neutral man.

  31. Today I read about what Walter did throughout the pages 130 - 142. On the pages 134 and 135 a boy named Frank was being robbed by teens and when Frank told the teens that he didn't have any money, they got into a fight. That was when Walter came into the scene and punched the guy with a chain. (Yea, a guy did have a chain) and the teen fell to the floor. On the pages 136 - 137 Walter talked more about the word! The s*x word. He talked about how some people at his school talked about girls and s*x. He also said that the older teen talked about s*x was the "Greatest thing that ever happened and that it was normal to have s*x foremost in your mind. It is a good thing that he said that he hadn't had it yet.

  32. Today I didn't enjoy the book all that much because it S*X 7 times in one page it was very disturbing

  33. My group talked about this paragraph that involved the s*x word seven times. It was super gross. Now so far in the assigned reading it talked about Walter's senior year in High School. He thought it was horrible because he was back to getting bad or not so good grades.

  34. Today we read pages 165 - 188. On the pages 172 - 173 Walters doctor asked him if he had s*x and Walter said yes, but he was lying. It is not good to lie do a doctor about something about s*x. On the page 175 Walter talks about his pe*is and what he can do with it. It is really gross. On the page 178 Walter says that when he was 10, he heard about the word called nig*er and that it not good.

  35. Please reread the section on page 175. Is he talking about what to do with "it," or is there a bigger question that he is asking? When I read it, I can see that he is really trying to understand what it means to be a man. Would you agree? Let's try not to get hung up on the words and miss the point of what the author is trying to say.

    1. yes, now that I have reread the section I understand that he was actually trying to find out what it means to be a man.

  36. Also, I agree that he lied to the doctor about being s*xually active. What made him lie and say he was when he wasn't?

    1. He maybe lied because it might have been normal to have had s*x when he was 16. He was black and that might have made a difference.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. When Walter was below 11 the story was much better. But once he got into his teens then the book got "a little" inappropriate. Whenever Walter even sees a girl he starts thinking about s*x. Well he just thinks about it in general. He thinks about it on pretty much every page.

  39. Frank was a man who was killed by a gang. He had drunk a lot of drugs and killed four people, and finally was friends with Walter dean Myers. You will understand why I told you this...
    I HAVE SOMETHING TO PROVE TO ALL YOU SINGERS!!! In In bad boy there was a women who was singing, but took so much drugs her voice got drowsy. Then this guy who was listening to her sing said "You need some more heroine!" What? That made no sense at all. Also do you know that some people have special gross talents, like they can bug out there eyes, and make milk come out of there eyes. Well Walter Dean Myers can push his nose, and then a bunch of oil seeps out of his pores in his skin. I thought that happened because he has drunk some types of drugs, but it may be that he has one really weird "talent".
    Not much further Walter dean Myers was attacked by a gang of four, the gang that had killed Frank. They had recognized him and opened there knives. So scary, and even more scary... A 6 foot man opened his own knife and advanced to the gang. That "Man" was actually Walter when he was 15. The gang was a bunch of cowards, they fled and said "Wait here, we will get a gun!" But If a 6 foot man faced me with knife, I would not fetch a gun. I would run for my life!
    This guy named Dr. Holiday asked Walter if he had, had s*x with a girl, HE HAD!!! He said all the boys that are 16 had have THE WORD. You know what. The most common word in this book is not a nor the, not even and. The most common word is THE WORD. And I am serious about that...
    No farther then when my faced turned back to it's normal color, Walter had mentioned he was a man. He had a fully grown private part. All boys have it! You don't need to inform us!!!
    And last and most surprising. Walter miraculously survived another gang attack, this time there were 15 of them! Ask me about anything else, I am available to answer any questions!

    1. Please reread the part on page 172. When the doctor asked the question and Walter answered "yes," was he telling the truth? When I read it, I'm pretty sure he was NOT telling the truth. Why would he lie about that? Please don't get so hung up on what you consider inappropriate words that you miss the point of what the author is saying.
      The same is true for the part you refer to on page 175. "I had a penis, and therefore had to figure out what being male meant.", Is the important part the word "penis" or is the important part that he is questioning what it means to be a man? I think you are allowing yourself to be distracted by words to the point that you are not thinking about WHY the author is using the words.

    2. Yeah, I know he was not telling the truth. And I do realize why the author is using his words. Maybe to express how he was fitting in or not fitting in. I would not get hung up if he used it once, maybe twice. But the fact that he has used over ten times. Disgusts me, and the context around The WORD.

    3. I hear that, but you did not answer my essential questions. WHY would he lie to the doctor? What was his motivation? You notice your own feelings about the words, which you have made your point about time after time. I am acknowledging your feelings AND asking you to try to move beyond them to read the book for the emotional/social content. I seem to recall that the hang up on words was also a stumbling block in A Wrinkle In Time. Lets move past it and read the book for its deeper meanings. Let's have a meaningful discussion around the questions that I already asked. Please respond.

    4. You certainly are urging me to respond! And I think you meant "back" not "block" in the sixth line. I know clearly why he lied to the doctor, it was very obvious. He wanted to "fit in" like be alike with other kids. (Yeah this disgust me, kids in high school do that). Or be the "cool" kid. Because he is with kids, two grades ahead of him. By the way... Wrinkle in Time was BORING! I would have not hung on words if it was more interesting. The only interesting thing, was the tesseracts. By the way I studied them, talked to my dad. And I know almost everything about hyper cubes (That's what they are called). But the fact that the way Walter uses his highly inappropriate context, I just can't get around. Really, some people can. And all I have to say is that is miraculous, I can't.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Why is Walter skipping school again if he got a warning that he shouldn't do it or he could go to jail. A warning about skipping school is a big deal and he is ignoring the warning. He is also doing something illegal which is getting notes from his school and putting his moms signature on them and mailing them back. He also tried going back to school one day and the door was locked. Then some random dude came up from behind him and said the year was over and school was out.
    It doesn't make sense that they said Walters mom died and they still talk about her like she is still alive.
    Walter is only 16 now and he talked about s*x and he actually did it, he also talks about his p*n*s and other private parts. I thought there was a law that you had to be over 20 years old to have s*x. Walter is ruining his life.
    He is also doing good by standing up for himself because SUPER WALTER saves the day again by ripping the chain out of the leader of the gangs hand and swinging it around to defend himself. He also defended himself a second time encountering the gang when this time the leader pulled out a knife and Walter pulled out his and the leader told him to wait there while he got a gun and Walter ran of course.

    1. You have some good questions. Why do YOU think he is skipping school? What is going on in his life? How is he feeling about school, about his abilities, his life and how do those feeling affect his decision making?
      As for the parts with the parts on page 173 and 175, please scroll up and see the questions and comments I already posted about those.
      Please respond

    2. Maybe because he felt like he wasn't good enough in school so he decided to go to Central Park, sit in a tree and read.

    3. I think he is skipping school because he he doesn't feel like he fits in with the other kids at school because he is 2 years younger then the rest of the kids in his grade, and all of his friends that are his age are in middle school. He is also getting ready to be an adult so it's hard for him to make that transition because he really has to mature a lot more up yet and he is trying to decide what to do with his life. He also, I think, he likes his abilities ha can stand up for other people and there is nothing physically wrong with him so I think he likes all those traits of being tough, and smart. So all in all I do think this affects his decision making because I left out that he was not wise with his decisions and there is a long list of things that I could say that were stupid decisions.

  42. I finished Bad Boy. My favorite parts were the beginning and the end. Why you may ask? Well the beginning was full of interesting stuff. Such as jumping off a building, or hitching a ride on the back of a cab. The end was interesting because he really fixed his life. He decided to join the army. Because that was one of the only ways to get away. Bu the middle was horidable (sorry that's a made up word, it means horrible) It was a bit boring and a bit inappropriate. When he was 12-16 he mostly talked about school and the park and gangs and doctors. He also liked to think about things that he shouldn't have been. But over all I got through it (ya).

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Walter Dean Myers. A wickedly gross horrid boy. But in the end, he surprised me the most. While he had studied s*x. Read books on it. And talked about it. Said a really offensive word (Nig**r). Is friends with a drug addict, and a murderer. He has said words that have truly ruined my childhood. My mind will never be clean again. It haunts me...
    But at the end, he had done a righteous move. He joined the military, he was only 17. But lied and said his parents were dead. He finally told his parents, his dad was okay with it. But his mom was in tears. And he still joined. Keeping his journal which he wrote pretty gross things in. And the reason why he joined the military, pleased me. For once...
    The reason why was because he wanted to leave his "Bad boy" life. He had been highly interested in s*x. A couple gangs were wanting him DEAD. And he just realized. I am going to leave this life behind. This bad life. This will not be my fate. And was actually happy at him. He had realized what he was doing wrong.
    Finally he brought his notebook to write on. He had left his previous life. Into a new life. Not so bad, not bad at all...

  45. yesterday my group finished the Book Bad Boy. Most of us liked the end of the book because he joined the army and got a very good education even though he didn't go to collage like he wanted to. It was probably very cool to become an author when you don't go to collage. Walter wanted to go into the army partly because he thought that it was hard that he was black and that he lived in Harlem a very poor town. Instead of a bad boy, like he use to be he is becoming to be a nice boy except for the fact that when he tried to get in to the army you have to be 18. If you want to get in to the army when you are 17 your parents have to be dead. So what he did was he lied that his parents were dead so he got in to the army on his 17th birthday. His mom was not pleased by that and his father wasn't either. But his father was pleased that he was joining the army because he had fought in the navy and got a job, and a good education. In the end he had a good life and became a good author as far as I could see.

  46. Any questions can be answered by the hedgehog...

  47. Today our conversation was about the end of the book (Bad Boy). I thought that the ending was good because within the last chapter Walter fixed up his life and got a real job, and he stopped doing bad stuff. I thought the ending was also mellow.
