My Life In Dog Years, Group 2


  1. Cookie was super smart to pull him out of the water.

    1. I thought so too.

    2. But... i thought it wasn't just cookie, but many dogs.

    3. Yes, she was very. Dogs can pick up when something is wrong really quick. I also think he had a strong bond with the dog and I think Cookie did too.

    4. GCD she was the one who led the dogs to pull him out.

  2. what does "Trapping Beavers" mean? does it mean literally catching beavers?

    1. I believe so.

    2. Yeah it means catching beavers.

    3. I'll look it up. Just to make sure. then i'll post it.

    4. EM is right. I thought it was just a saying.

  3. My Life in Dog Years: Today when my group and I met we talked about what we read. I had a connection, my connection was, when he was getting, Snowball, a black dog with a white patch. He said that he felt like Snowball was made for him. I felt the same way when he said he felt like that when I was getting my birds.

  4. He said his parents had started their drinking career. That reminds me of how much my parents have told me about some of the kids they work with who's parents are drunk idiots. Some of the kids they told me barely ever talk. Or that they get into lots of trouble and end up in Juvenile hall.

    1. Zazu, can you try not to use bad words like idiots please? Thanks.

    2. Sorry but do you have a better word it really is not a bad word since I did not name anyone. Is it?

    3. I think that Zazu is making a connection to something in her life. Since she is talking about what she has been told, I understand the use of the word.

  5. In Love that dog and Knots in my yo-yo String and My Life in dog years dogs
    get hit by a car.

    1. It was sad in all three books.

    2. oh yeah. In knots in my Yo-yo string Lucky got hit. In Love that dog Sky gets hit.
      In My life in dog years Snowball gets hit

    3. Good text to text connections

  6. The chapter Snowball was sad because Snowball was a very sweet and kind dog that was going to be eaten, if Gary hadn't rescued her. When Snowball got hit by the military truck, it was sad that she died instantly. Especially for Gary because he was right next to Snowball. When Snowball killed the venomous snake, it was really brave because Snowball could of gotten venom in her system.
    Cookie was very nice and SUPER smart. Like when she saved Gary from drowning/dying!

    1. I know! I also think that snowball was brave too.

  7. My Life In Dog Years (by Gary Paulsen) Date : 3/19 Pages : 0 - 19. My first one is a New word its jauntily I don't know what it means. My second one is a question it is why does the guy get in so much deadly situations? My third one is another question it is why do the dogs in the book save the guy and not just mind there own business? Those are my connections, questions, reactions and new and interesting words.

    1. Anna dogs bond with people and keep that bond. They pick up when something is wrong or they sense danger or trouble. Dogs are not the best at minding their own business because most dogs depend on the human aka their leader. They enjoy playing, or anything with you. So when they sense something is happening to their leader. They are not just going to leave him to die they are well lets put it this was you are the dog and lets say your best friend is drowning what would you do.

    2. Save my best friend.

    3. But I would let them drown if I want them to.

    4. See thats what dogs think.

      Sorry for using idiot I just could not think of a better word.

    5. Its okay, I forgive you.

    6. Anna you get the point don't you. Or do I need to make my self more clear?

    7. I get the point. Dogs have a mind of there own

  8. I like My Life in Dog years better than Knots in my Yo-Yo string because there is way more action in it like when Gary fell through the ice.

  9. How old was Gary when he went hunting?

  10. Does anyone know what cellophane is?

    1. I think it is like those little Styrofoam things, but i'm not sure.

    2. cellophane is another name for saran wrap.

    3. IF... the Styrofoam things are called packaging peanuts.

  11. I had a reaction, It was kind of sad to see Ike leave Gary without him there. Because If Gary was there, then Ike could of walked away to wherever he went.
    I had a few questions too, like Did Gary's parents pay for his education since they are drunks? And what is a grouse. My last question was what is entity.

    1. A type of bird in a group. Grouse

    2. IF, no I don't think anymore since they started drinking.

  12. My Life in Dog Years: When our group met we shared about what we found in the book and I found this. First, I wondered why did he tell us about how all the dogs get killed? It's sad reading how the dogs die or disappear. Then I came across some words like, visceral, palpable, and cellophane.

    1. Cellophane: saran wrap or clear wrap.

    2. EM, he told us about the dogs that died that he loved and shared a bond with they were important to him and he remembers those moments (he is like 74-75 now.) Everything comes to an end some day. I know what he means I lost my dog two years ago and I remember my feelings and the story. It took a lot of impact on my life. I bet it did to his too.

  13. My Life In Dog Years (by Gary Paulsen) Date : 3/21 Pages : 19-38. This time all of these are reactions my first one is I thought he had a spelling error which is, 'my parents were drunks' but my group told me that it was correct. My second one is I don't agree with Gary page 24. My third one is I would have shot on page 27-28. My last one is I saw a cat do what Ike did on page 31. Those are my reactions for now.

  14. It was so sad when Dirk left Gary.

  15. I had two connections. The first one was that doesn't Jerry's name sound kind of like Gary's! The second one was that the farmer, Olaf, that is the name of Olaf from the Disney movie Frozen. I also had a question. It was "How did Dirk get patches of fur missing?"

    1. Dirk probably fought other dogs that may be why he had missing fur.

  16. Does anyone know what impasse means?

    1. Impasse means a situation that doesn't get any progress because of a disagreement.

  17. My Life in Dog Years: Today I had a connection. The connection was one of the farmers that Gary worked for is Olaf, and I thought that he was a small snowman that owned tons of reindeer. That's all.

  18. My Life In Dog Years (by Gary Paulsen) Date : 3/4 Pages : 38 - 54. Today mine is only a question when will he get a dog he'll keep? It was already answered. That's was question for today.

  19. I think that rex was pretty smart. especially when he found the fresh grass for the cows and led the cows to it.

  20. I had a question, when Gary lived in the basement how did he get the Ritz crackers?

    1. I think he gets them because he gets his only money and sneaks out of the house and buys them from a shop.

    2. Or he gets them from upstairs????

  21. Remember in our group discussion I asked if Gary ever touched Rex and manure on his hands?

  22. What is a "dog musher"?

    1. I think it is someone that runs over dogs on accident.

    2. It's a person who owns sled dogs and enters races with them.

    3. It is a man or woman who has a team of dogs and sled races with those dogs.
      GCD you don't really say "Mush" you say "Hike."

    4. Are you sure? I thought it was a person in one of those dog pound trucks that catch dogs with a net.

    5. GCD make yourself more clear. There are many diffrent answers.

    6. Many answers to what? GCD thought a musher was animal control, it seems clear to me.

    7. Like, I could not understand what she was asking because she said "Dog Musher" I thought she meant the sled team. I also posted right after her comment and did not read hers. I got confused.

  23. How did pig get out of the electric fence?

    1. It says that he did.

    2. I think because he was strong and fat.

    3. Gary put it up Fred pulled it down for Pig.

  24. My Life in Dog Years: Today I had a connection when we met. The connection was Gary's wife, Emily, was mentioned I thought that she looked like me and was only 9 years old. Then I realized that that's to young to get married.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Does anyone know what an ocelot is?

    1. It is a type of wild cat.

    2. it's a wild cat like a leopard and a cheetah

    3. It's a small wild cat with spots like a leopard.

    4. An ocelot is a wild cat they are quite small I think they usually live in the jungle they are about the size of a house or barn cat like a short hair cat and they have spots like leopards or cheetahs. I think they hunt fish or birds. Last but not least there obviously cute.

  27. What does a combine hopper to fill mean?

    1. A combine is a piece of farm equipment. The hopper is where the grain goes. I am not sure the context of the book.

  28. I had a connection, that in the Hunger Games, Primrose Everdeen's goat is named Lady, and the dog's name in the book was named Dad. Even though Dad was a girl. What is the difference between wolves and wolverines?

  29. My Life In Dog Years (by Gary Paulsen) Date : 3/24 Pages : 54 - 90. My first one is a question it is did Rex ever sleep (answered) -66 . My second one is also a question it is why did he talk about girls -55. My third one is a reaction it is I like it when Rex makes room for the kitten to drink milk -59. My fourth one is another reaction it is I agree with the lady that said its not nice to chase cats -81. My fifth one is, one again, a reaction it is I think its mean when Gary plays 'Get the kitty' with Caesar I think its offensive to cats -82. My sixth one is new words they are materialized and monosyllabic. Those are my connections, questions, reactions, and new, interesting words.

  30. My Life in Dog Years: Today there was a new word that I found. The word was elan. I'm not sure what it means and that was all I found.

    1. what context is it in? It might be just a name.

    2. I'm pretty sure Elan is a place.

  31. what is/are "Angelo Saxon expressions?

  32. My dog Willie smiles a lot just like Fred, and he tore up one of our couch cushions too.

    1. My dogs smile a lot, and chewed up cushions.

  33. I had a list of words I don't know, tableau, quaint essential, perversion, and profanity.

  34. My Life In Dog Years (by Gary Paulsen) Date : 3/27 Pages : 90 - 137. My is why did he swear a lot -133? My second one is I'm mad at Fred on page -94. My third one is I think the guy is gross with the frozen boogers in his mustache -107. I had a new word its Stetson (answered).

  35. I have a connection,
    My Aunt had a Border Collie until recently she died. Her Border Collie was named Tory and she was amazing when we to LA(My Aunt's house) and my sisters were little and my dad had not come so she was all alone with them, except Tory would lie down on the ground and watch my sisters play in bed not letting them out of her sight. Tory also was very playful, the games she liked were chase that ball down the hall, and basketball, when my cousin and my brother played basketball Tory would follow the ball with her eyes and bark and jump. Another Connection with Tory, just like Ceaser she died of Cancer.
